Quality control (1)/Electromagnetics

Electromagnetics - Vector Analysis(1)

빈그레 2023. 3. 20. 22:56



Vector Analysis






Scalar & Vector


- Scalar : Temperature, Time, Distance, Mass, Density, Pressure, Voltage, charge density  ........

- Vector : Force, Velocity, Acceleration, Electric field intesnity





Scalar field & Vector field


- Scalar field : scalar 물리량의 위치별 분포

  ex) T(x,y,z) = 20'C   /   T(x,y,z) = 20'C*x - 10'C





- Vector field : vector 물리량의 위치별 분포 ( 위치별로 vector 물리량이 달라짐 )




 We are accustomed to thinking of a specific vector :




A vector field is a function defined in space that has magnitude and direction at all points :

where r = (x,y,z) // Vx(r) = Vx(x,y,z)





Vector Field Example





Vector scalar multiplication





Vector Subtraction





Orthgonal Unit Vectors







Orthogonal Vector Components




- Vector Representation using Orthogonal Rectangular Unit Vectors.

Vector Representation





Vector Expressions in Rectangular Coordinates




( ** 단위벡터는 vector를 해당 vector의 크기로 나눈 것이다. )